Campus Pride Index
Since 2007, the Campus Pride Index has been the premier LGBTQ national benchmarking tool for colleges and universities to create safer, more inclusive campus communities. The free online tool allows prospective students, families/parents and those interested in higher education to search a database of LGBTQ-friendly campuses who have come out to improve the academic experiences and quality of campus life. 

The Consortium of Higher Education LGBT Resource Professionals champions trans*-equity (across a non-binary gender spectrum) for students, faculty, and staff on college campuses. The best practices are available for download here.
On May 19, 2014, the Consortium Board voted unanimously to approve the suggested best practices and proceed with encouraging adoption by universities, colleges, and national organizations. Among the suggested best practices are the following: 1) have all  [area] staff attend a trans*-focused ally training; 2) enable students to use a name other than their legal first name on campus records (courses, rosters, directories, etc.); 3) enable students to change their gender marker on campus records upon their request (i.e., without letters of support or a legal change); 4) develop and publicize a trans*-supportive housing policy; 5) develop a policy for trans* students to compete in intramural athletics; 6) aim to have gender-inclusive restrooms in at least half of the administrative and academic buildings on campus; 7) include “gender identity” in your campus’ general nondiscrimination policy; 8) Hold a regular trans* health clinic to provide trans*-specific health care services; 9) counseling centers appoint a client advocate or have a visible procedure for trans* students to report concerns and instances of poor treatment; and 10) create a fair equitable process for hiring, training, and maintaining trans*-identified and trans*-knowledgeable staff in all areas.

Educational Experiences of Transgender People (April 2022)
UCLA School of Law Williams Institute
Using data from the Access to Higher Education Survey, a nationally representative survey of LGBTQ people ages 18 to 40, researchers from the Williams Institute in collaboration with the Point Foundation examine the school experiences and higher education environments of transgender people and the extent to which higher education environments are LGBTQ- and gender-inclusive.

Resource Guide for Trans and Nonbinary Students

The Trevor Project
Trevor Project is a 24/7 access to counselors, resources, tools.  
Line Chat on the “Get Help” section of the website
Text sms:678 678
Phone 1-866-488-7386
Their mission is to end suicide among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning young people.