The Chronicle of Higher Education has released “Vulnerable Students: Creating the Covid-era Safety Net,” a comprehensive report that examines what colleges are doing to support the students most affected during this crisis. From ensuring students have the technology they need and continuing services like drive-through food pantries and virtual mental health support, the report takes a close look at what successful institutions have implemented to ensure their students stay in school and ultimately, graduate. The report features a ‘Spotlight on Latinx Students,’ highlighting CSUCI and our efforts to move the student community online when the switch was made to virtual instruction and operations. Keeping students engaged and focused on their goal of obtaining a college degree is key to seeing them through to graduation. Peer Mentor Ambassadors, along with the University’s staff, support students and help them see the long-term benefits of having a college degree.

Patel, Vimal and Kelly Field. 2020. Vulnerable Students: Creating a Covid-Era Safety Net.  Chronicle of Higher Education.